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League community declares Skarner as the victor for the upcoming champion update, Gothic set to receive thematic makeover in 2022

The League of Legends Fandom Chooses Skarner as the Next Champion Update

The votes have been counted, and the League of Legends fandom has made its decision on the next champion update and theme revamp. Skarner, the crystal scorpion from Runeterra, has won the vote for the next visual and game update. Additionally, the outdated Gothic skin line will be undergoing a thematic revamp to bring it up to date.

Riot’s champion producer, Ryan “Reav3” Mireles, expressed excitement about Skarner’s victory in the VGU vote. According to him, Skarner has the potential to be something truly special in the League roster. Previous smaller reworks of Skarner’s kit did not significantly increase his playrate, so Riot plans to give him a massive reboot of his kit, theme, and visuals, similar to Sion and Urgot. Skarner’s iconic kidnapping ult will be retained in some form, but the rest of his abilities will be rebuilt from scratch.
Image via Riot Games

Skarner, who was released in 2011, currently only has six skins. He has a mere 23 unique in-game quotes and lacks any special interactions with other champions. Riot also plans to expand Skarner’s lore, as not much is known about him or the world and backstory of the Brackern.

With 33.4 percent of the fan vote, Skarner won by a significant margin compared to second-place Shyvana, who only had 19.6 percent of the votes. However, fans of the dragon lady should not be disappointed, as Riot is strongly considering her for the next big VGU outside of the fan votes.

Image via Riot Games

The Gothic skin line also won its poll convincingly, securing 49.4 percent of all votes compared to Arclight’s 25.1 percent and Infernal’s 25.5 percent. Riot is eager to explore how to bring the “middle school aesthetic” to Summoner’s Rift, with possibilities ranging from cute and spooky to serious and dark. Fans should be excited about what the developers have in store for these cosmetics.

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Related keywords: League of Legends, Skarner, champion update, theme revamp, Gothic skin line, fan vote, Ryan Mireles, Sion, Urgot, VGU vote, playrate, kit, visuals, lore, Shyvana, dragon lady, Summoner’s Rift, cosmetics.