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LCS Spring Split Week 3: Best Team of the Week

North American League of Legends fans are facing controversy just three weeks into the 2022 Spring Split. Cloud9 has parted ways with head coach LS just a few hours before their first match of the weekend. However, amidst the chaos, there are shining stars emerging in the league.

FlyQuest has become an unexpected leader, Team Liquid has brought in CoreJJ and is dominating the competition, and TSM has finally secured their first win of the Spring Split. These storylines have captured the attention of fans and there is a group of players making their case for the Team of the Week.

FlyQuest’s Kumo

FlyQuest’s continued success is a welcome surprise, especially considering their grasp on the evolving meta. Kumo, FlyQuest’s top laner, has been instrumental in their victories and has solidified his place in the Team of the Week. He returned to a more aggressive playstyle, which proved vital for FlyQuest. Kumo consistently initiated teamfights, resulting in high kill participation and a significant portion of the team’s gold income.

In the match against 100 Thieves, Kumo showcased his fearlessness by engaging even when the enemy team was under their turrets. This bravery has contributed to FlyQuest’s rise to the top of the LCS standings.

Liquid’s Santorin

Team Liquid’s dominance in the LCS can be attributed, in part, to their jungler, Santorin. Despite continuous roster changes, Santorin has stood out with his exceptional performance. In week three, he achieved the highest number of assists and damage per minute among all junglers. His KDA on Xin Zhao was unmatched, and he played a crucial role in shaping Liquid’s early-game pressure. Santorin’s contribution will be essential if Team Liquid wants to win their first LCS split since 2019.

FlyQuest’s Toucouille

FlyQuest has been the biggest surprise of the Spring Split, and their mid laner, Toucouille, is a key contributor to their success. In week three, Toucouille displayed outstanding gameplay on Corki and Veigar. He consistently dealt high damage and secured the majority of FlyQuest’s kills. These impressive performances have solidified Toucouille’s position as one of the top mid laners in the league.

TSM’s Tactical

Despite TSM’s struggles, their AD carry Tactical has been a standout player. He has showcased his mechanical prowess and carried the team on his back in certain games. However, relying solely on Tactical as a carry is not sustainable in the long run. TSM will need to find a more balanced strategy to achieve consistent victories.

Liquid’s CoreJJ

CoreJJ, Liquid’s support, returned to the team after facing green card issues. He seamlessly integrated back into the lineup and played a crucial role in Liquid’s victories. With CoreJJ back in action, it’s clear that Liquid is a force to be reckoned with. Adding the league’s best support into the mix will only solidify their dominance in the LCS.

These players have made a significant impact in the LCS, and their performances have been recognized in the Team of the Week. As the Spring Split progresses, it will be interesting to see if these players can maintain their impressive level of play.

North American League of Legends, controversy, Cloud9, 2022 Spring Split, shining stars, FlyQuest, Team Liquid, TSM, Team of the Week, Kumo, Santorin, Toucouille, Tactical, CoreJJ, LCS standings, dominance, AD carry, mid laner, support.