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LCS Must-Have: Essential Compositions for Siege

Siege Comps in League of Legends

Welcome back! Today, we’ll be discussing Siege comps in League of Legends. There are two types of Siege comps: Poke and Tower Pushing. These comps are known for their ability to deal damage from a distance and take down towers effectively. Let’s dive in and explore these strategies!

Poke Comps

Poke comps are designed to send massive amounts of damage from a distance, particularly when protecting or taking a tower. NRG showcased a great Poke comp in their game against Immortals. Their composition consisted of three champions with long-range abilities and damage, two tanks for protection and engage potential. However, Poke comps heavily rely on vision control. Without proper vision, they are vulnerable to flanks and picks from the enemy team. To effectively execute a Poke comp, prioritizing side lanes and securing vision while sieging a turret is crucial.

Tower Shredding Comps

Tower Shredding comps focus solely on destroying turrets as fast as possible. These comps have champions with quick wave clear and abilities that can be cast on towers. Gangplank, Twisted Fate, Tristana, Nunu, and Janna are great examples of champions that excel in this playstyle. Tower Shred comps offer flexibility, allowing for pick potential, wombo combos, and other plays. However, knowing when and how to capitalize on tower pushing strength is essential. Like Poke comps, maintaining vision control is key in successfully pushing towers and maintaining an advantage.


Siege comps can be challenging to execute but offer great rewards when done right. Proper positioning, execution, and vision control are essential elements of successful Siege comps. So go out there, climb the ladder, and siege those towers!

Siege comps, Poke comps, Tower Shredding comps, League of Legends strategy, vision control