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LCS Lock In Week 3: Team Destacada

Team Liquid Dominates LCS Lock In Finals

Fans of the LCS can rejoice as Team Liquid emerges victorious in the 2022 Lock In tournament. With their stunning performance against Evil Geniuses, Team Liquid has solidified their position as North America’s top team, leaving their opponents in the dust.

Team Liquid showcased their strength and skill throughout the tournament, with each member of the team making their mark. Despite missing some key players, Team Liquid proved to be a formidable force that other teams will have to overcome in the upcoming Spring Split.

EG Shows Potential but Falls Short

Although Evil Geniuses made an impressive run in the Lock In tournament, they still have work to do before they can challenge for an LCS championship. However, the combination of experienced veterans and talented newcomers on their roster indicates a potential rise to power in the future. The hype surrounding EG is growing, so make sure to keep an eye on their progress.

The Standout Players of the Tournament

TL Bwipo

Bwipo, the top laner for Team Liquid, played a crucial role in their victories. His early-game impact and impressive stats throughout the tournament showcased his versatility as a top laner. With Bwipo leading the charge, Team Liquid is set to continue their success in the upcoming LCS Spring Split.

EG Inspired

Inspired, the jungler for Evil Geniuses, proved his worth as a skilled player in the Lock In tournament. Despite EG’s loss in the finals, Inspired demonstrated his ability to compete against some of the LCS’ top players. He will face another challenge in the upcoming regular season as he goes head-to-head with TSM’s Spica.

TL Bjergsen

Bjergsen, the legendary mid laner, made a strong comeback in the Lock In finals. His exceptional performance on champions like Sylas and Zilean showcased his game-changing abilities. Bjergsen’s adaptability and leadership skills will be vital for Team Liquid’s success in the future.

TL Hans sama

Hans sama, the French ADC for Team Liquid, had an outstanding tournament, securing his first championship victory. He consistently outperformed other ADCs in terms of KDA, damage per minute, and CS per minute. With the addition of CoreJJ to their lineup, Team Liquid’s bottom lane is poised to be the best in the upcoming regular season.

EG Vulcan

Vulcan, the support player for Evil Geniuses, showcased his growth and adaptability in the Lock In tournament. His aggressive playstyle and map awareness provided EG with a strong presence on the rift. Despite EG’s loss, Vulcan’s performance solidifies his position as a key player in the team.

As the Lock In tournament comes to an end, LCS fans can look forward to an exciting Spring Split filled with fierce competition and memorable moments.

LCS, Lock In tournament, Team Liquid, Evil Geniuses, Bwipo, Inspired, Bjergsen, Hans sama, Vulcan, Spring Split