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LCS in Search of Manager to Augment Academy and Amateur Scenes

Riot Games Hiring Manager to Boost North American League of Legends Development

Riot Games plans to hire a manager to enhance the developmental ecosystem of North American League of Legends, according to LCS commissioner Chris Greeley. Greeley’s goal is to make NA the most competitive region in the League.

New Responsibilities for the Head of Scholastic and Amateur Esports

The newly-appointed head of scholastic and amateur esports in North America will be tasked with implementing significant changes to achieve Greeley’s vision. To support the entire competitive pipeline, scholastic and amateur esports programs will be brought under the LCS.

Job Description and Developmental Landscape

The job description for the manager position states that the selected candidate will oversee the esports programs covering the entire sub-professional competitive landscape, including college, high school, amateur, and academy-level League of Legends. Riot Games aims to create a seamless flow between these levels, emulating the developmental structures seen in traditional sports.

Potential Impact on Collegiate Esports and the NA Region

In the future, LCS academy teams may recruit players from colleges across the U.S., offering players the opportunity to earn scholarships while pursuing their esports careers. This advancement addresses the issue of the temporary nature of esports careers. Although this is a positive step for the North American region, regions like Korea and China have prioritized the development of their future stars for years, placing NA at a relative disadvantage.

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Riot Games, North American League of Legends, manager, developmental ecosystem, LCS commissioner, scholastic esports, amateur esports, competitive region, job description, sub-professional competitive landscape, college, high school, academy-level, collegiate esports, NA region, scholarships