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Latest League preseason patch preview showcases tank buffs

Tanks in League of Legends Preseason to Receive Buffs

With the ongoing preseason of League of Legends, bruisers have taken over the meta due to significant changes in items. Meanwhile, tanks have been left behind.

The League balance team and preseason lead designer, Matt Leung-Harrison, hinted in a recent tweet that several tanks will be receiving buffs. The tanks include Sion, Cho’Gath, Amumu, Maokai, Zac, Tahm Kench, and Malphite. However, the exact details of these buffs have not been revealed yet.

In a separate tweet, Leung-Harrison mentioned that tanks are weak compared to bruisers. To address this imbalance, the team has decided to focus on buffing tanks instead of making further changes to items. This approach aims to avoid disrupting item synergy with specific tanks while also improving their performance.

For tank players, this is good news as they can expect their champions to become stronger in the coming week. With ongoing optimization of preseason itemization, more changes are on the horizon before Season 13 officially begins in a month.

Additionally, Zeri, a champion who had fallen out of favor after repeated nerfs, is expected to receive buffs. The upcoming patch, 12.23, will also provide some attention to Blue Kayn.

It will be interesting to see whether these buffs will lead to certain champions dominating the game or whether adjustments to items like the Ravenous Hydra will prevent tanks from becoming too powerful as dual-threat champions.

Patch 12.23 is scheduled to be released on Wednesday, December 7th.

League of Legends, preseason, tanks, buffs, bruisers, item changes, balance, champions, optimization, Season 13, Zeri, Blue Kayn, patch 12.23, meta.