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Lane dominator ADCs make a triumphant return to the League meta

ADC Lane Bullies Reign Supreme in League of Legends Meta

The latest changes to marksmen statistics and itemization have completely flipped the balance in the League of Legends meta. Patch 8.11 has given lane bullies the upper hand, particularly during the early game.

According to statistics from, four out of the top six ADCs in terms of win rate are lane bullies. Miss Fortune takes the lead with an impressive win rate of over 53%. On the other hand, crit ADCs such as Tristana and Caitlyn have experienced a significant drop in their win rates since the most recent patch.

This was the intended outcome for Riot Games. They aimed to reduce the dominance of crit-based marksmen, which have been in control of the meta for almost a year. Ever since the debacle with Ardent Censer last summer, players have realized that having a strong bot lane is crucial for securing victory.

Consequently, champions who don’t rely on crit builds, like Lucian, have faced difficulties in the game. Previously, Lucian was barely playable until he found some utility as a mid laner last year. However, with the introduction of new items like Stormrazor and Essence Reaver, he has gained more strength early on and maintains a power spike until the mid game.

While some ADCs like Varus and Kog’Maw have seen minimal changes in their win rates, it is due to the presence of Guinsoo’s Rageblade. This item provides a significant power spike for these champions, enabling them to keep up with lane bullies early in the game while still scaling well into the late game.

One of the greatest benefits of these changes is the wide variety of champion options available to ADC players. Only six out of the 18 traditional bot lane ADCs have win rates that differ by more than two percent from the midpoint (50 percent). This means that champions like Ashe and Jinx, who rely on crit builds, are still viable picks.

All in all, Riot Games’ balance team has done an impressive job with this major patch. However, some tuning may be needed for Miss Fortune, as she has always been an forgiving and enjoyable champion to play. Additionally, crit ADCs could benefit from some stat buffs. Nevertheless, it’s an exciting time for ADCs to explore new champions and play styles in the bot lane. It’s like Christmas has arrived early for ADCs this year!

League of Legends, ADCs, marksmen, lane bullies, win rate, patch, crit-based, bot lane, Lucian, Stormrazor, Essence Reaver, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, champion options, balance team, Miss Fortune, fun, stat buffs