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KOO vs. Flash Wolves post-game interview // SwordArt shares how they overcame KOO

In-Depth Interview with SwordArt about Their Victory in the Latest Game

SwordArt reveals strategies that led to their win in the game

SwordArt: We made a crucial decision to have Gangplank in the mid lane. His powder kegs played a vital role in disrupting the enemy team. In team fights, we planned to rely on Morgana’s soul shackles followed by NL’s Varus ultimate. This set us up for success as we secured a skirmish in the mid lane. Furthermore, Gangplank’s ultimate and barrels were instrumental in catching the enemy off-guard.

Experience of playing against Korean teams

SwordArt: Yes, we have a lot of experience playing against Korean teams. We are well aware of their strengths, and having seen them in previous tournaments, we were confident in facing them today.

Reason behind choosing Varus and Morgana for the bot lane

SwordArt: NL has been a fan of Varus since Season 3, and his proficiency with the champion inspired us to choose Varus. We felt the need for more crowd control in our team composition after selecting Gangplank. I opted for Morgana, who brings strong crowd control abilities to the table.

Thoughts on the upcoming match against paiN Gaming

SwordArt: We’ve heard that paiN Gaming has a strong mid laner and ADC. Our team has thoroughly researched and devised strategies to counter them effectively.


SwordArt interview, game strategies, Gangplank mid, Morgana, NL Varus, Korean teams, paiN Gaming match, counter strategies.