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Kobbe Suggests a Buff is Needed for ADCs: “Junglers are Overpowered”

Thoughts on Recent Changes to the EU LCS

EU LCS Landscape

What do you think about the recent changes to the EU LCS landscape?

Kobbe believes that transitioning from best-of-twos to best-of-threes is the right decision. However, he is unsure about the format change with five teams in two groups. While there are some advantages, it may result in imbalanced groups. Kobbe believes that time will tell how these changes will play out.

Preferred Group Placement in EU LCS

Which teams would you prefer to be in your group in the EU LCS?

Kobbe doesn’t necessarily have a preference to play against any specific team. On paper, G2, H2K, UOL, and Splyce are expected to be the strongest teams initially due to retaining most of their previous rosters. The remaining six teams have many uncertainties due to roster changes, making it difficult to predict who will perform well. Kobbe expects teams like Giants and ROCCAT to be weaker.

Impact of Game Changes on Role in Season 7 Meta

How do you think the new game changes will affect your role in the Season 7 meta?

Kobbe expresses his dissatisfaction with the current meta, particularly for ADCs. He believes that junglers have too much impact and ADCs need a boost in the early/mid game. It takes too long for ADCs to become impactful in the game.

Maximizing Potential for Season 7

With Splyce sticking together for the upcoming season, how do you plan to maximize your potential and fight for the No. 1 seed?

Kobbe is excited to see how far Splyce can go in 2017 after their experiences in 2016. Lack of experience was their weakness last year, but now that they know each other well, communication and teamwork should improve.

Relationship with YamatoCannon and Coaching Style

What is your relationship with YamatoCannon like and can you give us some insight into his coaching style?

Kobbe has a close relationship with YamatoCannon and fully trusts him. Working with him has helped Kobbe grow as a player and a person. Kobbe believes that YamatoCannon has a solid understanding of how the game should be played.

Splyce’s Position in EU LCS

Do you think Splyce is in a better position than the rest of the EU LCS as one of the few teams to retain its original roster?

Kobbe believes that Splyce and G2 are expected to be at the top of the standings, but competition will be tougher this split. Many teams have the potential to perform well, depending on how well their players work together. Kobbe is particularly excited to see how well the new Fnatic lineup performs.

Success of Splyce in the Past Year

Splyce went from the challenger series to securing the No. 3 seed for EU at Worlds. How did you accomplish this, and how did it feel to achieve so much in just a year?

Kobbe feels great looking back at the entire year and realizing how much they have accomplished. Their success was mainly due to other teams falling apart during the summer split, while Splyce kept improving.

Preparation for Worlds and Looking Back

How did you mentally and physically prepare for Worlds, and looking back, is there anything you would have done differently?

Like many other teams, Splyce bootcamped in Korea for 2-3 weeks before the tournament. They scrimmed every day and put in a lot of effort. Looking back, there are several things they could have done differently, particularly in their match against TSM, where they threw a game they should have won.

A Message to the Fans

Any message for your fans?

Kobbe would like to thank the fans for their support and hopes they will continue to support Splyce.

Thanks to Kobbe and Splyce for taking the time to answer our questions. Happy Holidays from GAMURS!

Contact Adam Newell, the journalist, for any tips or coverage requests:

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @MonkeyKingHero

Photo via LoLesports Flickr

EU LCS, Kobbe, Splyce, esports, team, roster, game changes, meta, coaching style, success, preparation, fans