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KINGZONE DragonX overpower unexpectedly resilient KSV Esports

KINGZONE DragonX Gets Revenge on KSV Esports

In the last match of the LCK Spring Split, KINGZONE DragonX finally had a chance to settle the score with KSV Esports. Throughout the split, KINGZONE dominated the regular season like SK Telecom T1 did in 2015. However, KSV was the one team that managed to avoid their dominance. KINGZONE’s substitute top laner filled in for their suspension in the opening match against KSV and ended up losing.

But, after nine long weeks, KINGZONE had their strongest roster ready to play and showed KSV why they are so feared. In game one, KINGZONE showcased their ability to dominate early skirmishes. KSV was caught off guard by KINGZONE’s aggressive dives with Bdd’s roaming Taliyah. KINGZONE secured objectives and the game soon after.

In game two, KSV fought back and had one of their best performances of the split. Crown, KSV’s mid laner, controlled the map with the help of their jungler, Ambition. They managed to snowball their lead and win the game with minimal mistakes.

Moving on to game three, KSV continued to keep up with KINGZONE’s macro play. They traded objectives cleverly and remained tied in gold, despite facing a kill deficit. However, one small mistake by KSV was enough for KINGZONE to find an ace and take the Baron. From there, KINGZONE surged in gold and power and easily closed out the match.

Although KINGZONE has already secured their spot in the Spring Split finals, KSV’s playoff hopes now depend on the performances of ROX Tigers and SKT.

KINGZONE DragonX, KSV Esports, LCK Spring Split, SK Telecom T1, substitute top laner, dominant, aggression, objectives, snowball, macro play, playoffs, ROX Tigers, SKT.