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Kingzone DragonX Discovers PawN’s Retirement Via Social Media

Kingzone DragonX Mid Laner, PawN, Retires Unexpectedly

The sudden retirement of Kingzone DragonX’s mid laner, Heo “PawN” Won-seok, has left fans surprised and the team management disappointed. In a statement, Kingzone DragonX revealed that they were not aware of PawN’s decision until he announced it on Facebook.

The team expressed their disappointment at learning about PawN’s retirement through social media, stating that they were eagerly awaiting his return. They also expressed their regret at not being able to have him on the team anymore.

Team Management Unaware of PawN’s Decision

It was revealed that Kingzone DragonX had not terminated PawN’s contract and were expecting his return. The team was taken aback by the suddenness of PawN’s retirement and the fact that they were not informed beforehand.

PawN’s Retirement Announcement

In a recent announcement, PawN cited his obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) as the reason for his retirement from professional League of Legends. He mentioned that it had become too difficult for him to play on stage due to his OCD. Despite finding a temporary solution, his disorder unexpectedly resurfaced, leading to his decision to retire.

Impact on Kingzone DragonX

PawN played a crucial role in Kingzone DragonX’s success, helping the team secure a third-place finish in the 2019 LCK Spring Split. Although the team struggled in the playoffs against SK Telecom T1, PawN’s presence and firepower were instrumental. Losing PawN will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the team’s roster and its future endeavors.

keywords: Kingzone DragonX, PawN, retirement, mid laner, League of Legends