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Key NA Draft Phase Highlights: Examining Contested Picks

As we approach the NA playoffs semi-finals this weekend, let’s take a closer look at the most popular picks and draft strategies in the region.

Top Lane

Shen has been the most contested pick with a 100% pick/ban rate in 7 games. His split pushing and tankiness make him a great fit in the current meta. Gnar and Olaf also have a high pick rate in the quarterfinals, providing strong team fight abilities and split pushing potential. The TIP vs CLG match will be especially interesting with Impact’s Shen and CLG Zionspartan’s carry champions.


Elise and Nidalee are the highly contested jungle picks. Elise’s recent buffs and the Runeglave item have brought her back into the pro scene with an 85.7% pick rate and an 83.3% win rate. Nidalee’s counter jungle ability and mobility make her a 100% pick/ban in the playoffs. TSM prioritizes Nidalee for Santorin, while TiP Rush excels on Elise. The strategies of CLG and TL are harder to predict as they haven’t played in over 2 weeks.

Mid Lane

Viktor has been picked only once in the playoffs so far, while Azir and Lulu are still favored by most teams. Azir’s siege and disengage abilities and Lulu’s utility with shields and speed make them popular choices. The TL vs TSM match will be interesting to watch as TL Fenix has had success with Viktor and Azir. The draft phase will play a crucial role in this matchup.

Bot Lane

Kalista has a 100% ban rate in the playoffs despite recent nerfs, showing that teams still consider her the strongest ADC. Sivir and Tristana are the top picks in NA, with Tristana’s scaling and tower taking ability and Sivir’s utility with her ultimate. Alistar has a 100% pick/ban rate as a support, providing playmaking potential and tankiness.

The CLG vs TiP bot lane matchup will be exciting, as both teams have strong bot lane duos. Apollo from TiP has the highest DPM in the playoffs, while Doublelift from CLG has the highest GPM, kill participation, and kills in the regular season.

In summary, NA teams prioritize Shen, Elise, Lulu, Kalista, and Alistar. The picks and bans phase will be crucial in the TSM vs TL matchup, and the bot lane matchup in the TiP vs CLG game will be interesting to watch.

All statistics are from and

Related keywords: esports, NA playoffs, semi-finals, contested picks, meta, top lane, jungle, mid lane, bot lane, Shen, Gnar, Olaf, Elise, Nidalee, Viktor, Azir, Lulu, Kalista, Sivir, Tristana, Alistar, CLG, TiP, TSM, TL, picks and bans