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Kalista Achieves a Level 1 Pentakill with Neeko’s Incredible 5-Man Root

The Importance of Early Game Aggression in League of Legends

In League of Legends, teams often engage in early game skirmishes within the enemy jungle. This can lead to significant advantages if executed well. However, sometimes these encounters result in players retreating to their standard activities. Other times, they go all-out, resulting in intense and game-changing moments. Here’s a perfect example. Watch the clip here.

The Early Game Clash

The video begins with both teams entering the opponents’ bottom jungle. They manage to avoid each other for the first thirty seconds of the game due to different routes taken. However, once they encounter each other, they commit to the fight. At first, the red team seems to have the advantage, but Neeko comes to the rescue and roots five enemies with an impressive Tangle-Barbs (E) ability.

An Intense Battle Unfolds

The fight intensifies as Darius tries to eliminate Qiyana but ends up being the first casualty. Despite losing a teammate, the red team continues the battle. However, they lack coordination, resulting in one of their champions, Talon, getting eliminated. While the red team focuses on trying to take down Qiyana and Dr. Mundo, Kalista wreaks havoc.

A Level One Pentakill

Kalista begins to eliminate her opponents one by one. Alistar and Hecarim are the next to fall, followed by Samira and Zoe. Kalista achieves a level one pentakill, proving her dominance. Thanks to, we know that Kalista’s team eventually won the game despite facing a decent fight from their rivals.

In the end, it’s Neeko who dealt the most damage to champions, showcasing the importance of support in achieving success in League of Legends. Remember, it’s not just about the kills picked up by the marksman throughout the game.

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League of Legends, early game aggression, skirmish, jungle, advantage, intense, Neeko, pentakill, support