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Jungler Punished with One Month’s Salary Reduction for Neglecting Smite

LPL Team eStar Esports Penalizes Jungler for Summoner Spell Mistake

The LPL team eStar Esports has punished its jungler, Yan “Wei” Yang-Wei, for forgetting to take smite in the first game against Bilibili Gaming. The organization announced today that it will withhold his salary for one month.

The team issued a statement on Twitter, acknowledging Wei’s mistake of not changing his summoner spell from ignite to smite, which is crucial for junglers. Despite Wei’s apologies to the coaches and teammates, eStar decided to deduct his salary for this month and conduct team criticism to prevent such errors in the future.

When the team realized Wei had chosen ignite, they brought the issue to the attention of the referee. The referee informed them that there would be no remake and they would have to play the game with the chosen summoner spells.

The team reacted positively, assuring Wei that it was an honest mistake and deciding to be aggressive and fight as a team to counter the power of objectives throughout the game.

In the game against Bilibili Gaming, despite eStar’s efforts, they lost in 33 minutes. Wei finished the game with a 2/6/12 score and was two levels behind the opposing jungler, Zhou “l3est16” Zhi-Li.

However, in the following game, Wei’s Ekko made a significant difference as he outplayed l3est16 and dominated the jungle. Unfortunately, eStar faced difficulties in game three and lost to BLG in under 25 minutes, despite Wei securing four of eStar’s five kills.

eStar is currently tied for 12th place in the LPL and will face LNG Esports next on June 19.

eStar Esports, LPL, Yan “Wei” Yang-Wei, summoner spell mistake, smite, ignite, jungle, Bilibili Gaming, salary deduction, jungle domination, game loss, team support, objective control, LPL standings, LNG Esports