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Juggermaw’s Failure Earlier Today, But Success Ensued Nevertheless

The Success and Failure of the Juggermaw Composition

During the playoffs, the juggermaw composition had mixed results. Let’s analyze why it failed and succeeded in different scenarios.

1. Snake’s Invisibility in Game One

In game one, the Wolves failed to recognize the composition played by Snake in the LPL. The key strength of this composition is its single target damage and rapid healing. Once Freeze obtains the necessary items, the enemy team struggles to defeat him unless they have six items with guardian angels. However, when H2K chained crowd control on Freeze and engaged him, they were able to take him down. Even in the last fight, when he was being chased by three tanks, Freeze managed to kill Sejuani. If he had eliminated either Thresh or Maokai, the Wolves would have won. Snake always plays Juggermaw with a gold deficit but manages to secure victory, showcasing the uniqueness of this composition. You’re unlikely to lose as long as you acquire the two essential items.

2. The Importance of a Mid Poke Champion

When your AD carry needs two items before team fighting, it’s crucial to have a champion with strong poke to delay the enemy team from engaging earlier. In this case, Kogmaw had a two-item power spike, while Orianna was waiting for a third item power spike. This discrepancy in power spikes can be problematic in competitive games. It’s essential to have champions with similar itemization timelines, so both teams can fight on equal footing. If one team loses in the first power spike, they may lose confidence in the second spike and ultimately the game. Itemization plays a vital role in competitive matches.

3. The Ignored Lulu Lane

In the Juggermaw composition, Lulu can fall behind significantly compared to her counterpart in terms of CS and deaths. However, once she reaches level 16 and obtains Deathcap Athenes, her power becomes evident. Lulu’s point-and-click silence ability is incredibly impactful in the right hands. This can be observed when comparing TSM’s Lulu play with Lustboy and Dyrus. One team disregarded the importance of the Lulu lane and focused on other lanes, while the other team prioritized the Lulu lane. H2K’s strategy involved Maokai building Righteous Glory and rotating to the mid lane.

The Juggermaw composition is an effective strategy in League of Legends. It allows teams to win despite a significant gold deficit. However, it’s important to note that Maokai and Thresh, the core enemies of this composition, are not always banned.

Related juggermaw composition, Snake, LPL, H2K, Freeze, team fights, power spikes, itemization, Lulu, point-and-click silence, TSM, Maokai, Thresh, League of Legends.