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Jinx Receives an Enormous Buff on PBE, Making Her Potentially One of the Strongest ADCs

Jinx to Receive Massive Buff in Patch 8.2

Jinx, the explosives-obsessed ADC, is set to receive a significant buff in Patch 8.2, according to the latest PBE update from Riot Games.

The buff specifically increases the attack speed boost from Jinx’s Q ability in minigun form, allowing her to scale better into the late game. This change may seem simple, but the amount of attack speed being added is astonishing.

Currently, Jinx’s Q ability boosts her attack speed by 30 to 70 percent, depending on its rank. However, after the buff, the boost will increase from 30 percent at rank one to a staggering 130 percent at rank five.

This means that Jinx’s attack speed will climb even higher as the game progresses, especially when combined with the appropriate late-game item build and Legend: Alacrity stacks.

While this buff significantly boosts Jinx’s late-game power, it also provides a substantial improvement to her mid-game performance, particularly when her Q ability is maxed out at level seven or eight.

Although Jinx is currently considered underpowered when compared to champions like Vayne or Kog’Maw, this buff could potentially put her on a more level playing field. However, some players may argue that the buff is excessive and could lead to her being overpowered. A capped boost to 100 percent attack speed may be a more balanced approach.

It’s important to note that these changes are currently being tested on the PBE and are subject to further adjustments or removal before they go live in Patch 8.2. If the buff does make it into the game, it will undoubtedly have a significant impact.

Jinx buff, Patch 8.2, ADC, late game, attack speed, PBE update.