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Jinx, Milio, and Morgana emerge as new meta picks with significant buffs in LoL Patch 13.20

League of Legends Preseason: Buffs and Nerfs

As pro players prepare for the League of Legends World Championship, Riot Games is already working on balancing the game for the upcoming preseason. The highly anticipated Patch 13.20 will introduce significant buffs to five champions, including Jinx, Milio, and Morgana.

Lead gameplay designer Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison recently shared a complete list of buffs and nerfs scheduled for Patch 13.20. Among the lucky champions receiving buffs are Jinx, Galio, Milio, Morgana, and Ziggs.

League of Legends

Ziggs and Galio will receive buffs to their Q and W spells, respectively, which will have a significant impact on Patch 13.20. However, Jinx, Milio, and Morgana are expected to shine even brighter.

One particularly exciting buff is Morgana’s increased damage to monsters with her Tormented Shadow spell. Her ultimate ability, Soul Shackles, will also receive additional benefits, including increased movement speed, a longer stun duration, and more damage.

League of Legends

Jinx’s Super Mega Death Rocket! will be significantly buffed, and her passive will now allow her to stack attack speed upon killing enemies. This means she can gain attack speed bonuses with each kill.

Lastly, Milio, who has been in the spotlight since his release, will receive much-needed attention. Riot will improve his healing and shielding abilities with enhancements to his E and R abilities.

League of Legends

Overall, Patch 13.20 promises to be an intriguing update, especially when paired with nerfs to Kai’Sa and Zed, as well as adjustments to runes and dragons.

League of Legends, preseason, buffs, nerfs, Jinx, Galio, Milio, Morgana, Ziggs, Patch 13.20, World Championship.