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Jhin’s Winrate Falls Below 50 Percent for the First Time Since Release

The Reign of Jhin: League of Legends Marksman Falls

Jhin, the terrifying marksman in League of Legends, may no longer be the dominant force in the game. Recent statistics show that Jhin’s win-rate has dropped below 50 percent for the first time since his release over a year ago. This decline is not limited to high-elo players; even in Bronze, Silver, and Gold ranks, Jhin is only winning about 47 percent of his games. It seems that Jhin is no longer the powerhouse he once was.

In the professional scene, Jhin is also losing his place. Despite initially dominating the first half of the Spring Split of the NA LCS, Jhin is now being replaced by champions like Caitlyn, Ezreal, and Varus. In solo queue, Lucian is currently the most popular and successful ADC, with a play-rate of 44 percent and a win-rate of 53 percent. Jhin is losing ground as these new talents rise up.

Jhin’s Downfall: Patch 7.5

The decline of Jhin’s win-rate can be attributed to Patch 7.5. This patch introduced a significant buff to Blade of the Ruined King (BorK), a item that many champions can utilize effectively. However, Jhin’s unique playstyle prevents him from benefiting from this buff. With his slow attack speed and limited shots before reloading, Jhin cannot make use of BorK’s bonus damage and lifesteal. As a result, ADCs with the new BorK can easily outperform and defeat Jhin in extended fights.

Hope for Jhin Mains

For Jhin mains, there is hope on the horizon. Riot Games is planning to nerf BorK in the near future to address its overpowering presence in the meta. It is important for the game to have a diverse range of viable item builds, rather than being dominated by a single item. Hopefully, the upcoming nerf will balance the game without making Jhin and other marksmen who rely on BorK obsolete.

Related Jhin, League of Legends, win-rate, marksman, Patch 7.5, Blade of the Ruined King, nerf