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Jhin and Shaco set to receive buffs in League Patch 11.16

Major Balance Changes to Bring Shifts in League of Legends Meta

The end of season 11 of League of Legends is quickly approaching, but there are still major balance changes in store for players. With Patch 11.16, Riot is addressing oppressive champions and bringing back some old favorites to shake up the meta.

Jeevun “Jag” Sidhu, lead game designer on Summoner’s Rift team for League, revealed that champions like Lulu and Lee Sin will be getting long-awaited nerfs in Patch 11.16. Additionally, several champions who have been absent from play in their respective lanes will receive buffs to level the playing field.

Watch Jeevun Sidhu’s Patch 11.16 Preview here.

Bringing Maokai Back to Top Lane

While top lane champions won’t see many buffs, Maokai is set to receive changes that will likely make him a viable pick for top lane again. Currently, Maokai has a low pick rate in Patch 11.15, but these buffs aim to restore his former glory.

Shaking Up the Jungle with Champion Buffs

The jungle will see the most changes in Patch 11.16, with buffs planned for Jarvan IV, Nunu and Willump, and Shaco. These champions have struggled against popular picks like Lee Sin, Viego, and Xin Zhao, so these buffs aim to increase their viability in the jungle. However, the planned Dr. Mundo jungle changes have been scrapped due to improvements in his win rate.

Bringing Back Vladimir, Jhin, and Sivir

Vladimir will receive buffs in Patch 11.16 to make him more viable on the Rift. In the bot lane, Jhin and Sivir are the only champions on the buff list, likely due to changes in the Feet Footwork rune. This rune has fallen out of favor, and these champions will receive adjustments to compensate.

Anticipated changes to Sona’s kit will also be introduced in Patch 11.16, enhancing her role as an enchanter who excels in casting multiple spells quickly and adapting to season 11’s mana changes.

It’s important to note that the buffs and nerfs mentioned in this preview are tentative and subject to change before the release of Patch 11.16 on August 11.

League of Legends, eSports, Patch 11.16, champion buffs, junglers, top lane, bot lane, balance changes