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Jensen Achieves 2000 Career LCS Kills in a Single Teamfight as C9’s Player, while Danny Surpasses His Own Milestone in a Dominant Performance against EG

Jensen Reaches 2,000 Kills in LCS

During today’s playoff series against Evil Geniuses, Cloud9 mid laner Jensen became the fourth player in LCS history to reach 2,000 kills in his League of Legends career.

Joining Elite Company

Jensen now joins Bjergsen, Doublelift, and WildTurtle as the only North American players to achieve this milestone.

Achievement in the Midst of a Teamfight

During the same extended teamfight that saw Jensen earn his 2,000th kill, Evil Geniuses’ AD carry Danny reached his 500th career kill. Danny accomplished this feat in just 109 games, with an average of 4.6 kills per game.

Danny’s Pace to 2,000 Kills

If Danny continues at his current pace, it will take him an estimated 327 games to reach the 2,000-kill milestone.

Danny, who made his debut for EG a little over a year ago, was recently named to the LCS All-Pro team.

LeBlanc: Jensen’s Champion of Choice

Notably, Jensen secured his 2,000th kill with his signature champion, LeBlanc. Over eight seasons of professional play, Jensen has a remarkable record of 39-11 with LeBlanc, achieving a KDA of 6.8 with her.

Milestone Achieved with Seraphine

Danny’s 500th kill, in contrast, was earned while playing Seraphine, a supportive healer. This champion choice showcased a different aspect of Danny’s versatile playstyle.

Evolving Records in the LCS

Yesterday, Bjergsen surpassed Doublelift with his 2,274th career kill, becoming the player with the most kills in LCS history.

Continued Opportunities for Jensen and Danny

Both Jensen and Danny will have more chances to accumulate kills as their teams remain in contention for the North American league title this summer.

Jensen, LCS, Cloud9, Evil Geniuses, 2,000 kills, League of Legends, Bjergsen, Doublelift, WildTurtle, North American players, teamfight, Danny, 500 kills, pace, 18-year-old, EG, LCS All-Pro team, LeBlanc, champion, Seraphine, records, versatile playstyle, Bjergsen, Doublelift, most kills, LCS history, titles