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JDG Ruler shares insights gained from studying other ADCs, including his upcoming opponent at MSI.

JD Gaming dominates Bilibili Gaming in rematch at League of Legends Mid-Season Invitational

JD Gaming proved their dominance once again as they secured a clean 3-0 victory over Bilibili Gaming in the rematch of the 2023 LPL Spring Split finals at the League of Legends Mid-Season Invitational on May 14. The standout player in the match was Park “Ruler” Jae-hyuk, JDG’s AD carry, who led his team to victory by receiving strong support in the early game and capitalizing on it in the late game. Ruler’s exceptional performance on champions like Aphelios, Jinx, and Zeri has sparked discussions around his position among the best ADCs of all time.

Ruler expressed his belief that mastering champions like Aphelios requires learning from other players’ strategies and incorporating them into his own playstyle. He specifically mentioned Deokdam, Teddy, and Gumayusi as players he keeps an eye on when they play Aphelios. Interestingly, Ruler will face Gumayusi in the upcoming MSI match, adding an extra layer of excitement to the competition.

The highly anticipated MSI upper bracket finals between T1 and JDG have League fans on the edge of their seats. Ruler is confident in his team’s ability to counter T1’s aggressive moves, stating that JDG will be able to easily punish their opponents. The match between JDG and T1 will take place on Thursday, May 18 for a chance to secure a spot in the 2023 MSI grand final.

JD Gaming, Bilibili Gaming, League of Legends Mid-Season Invitational, LPL, rematch, Park “Ruler” Jae-hyuk, AD carry, Aphelios, Jinx, Zeri, ADC, MSI upper bracket finals, T1, Copper Box Arena, grand final