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JD Gaming dominates Suning in LPL Summer Split

JD Gaming Secures 2-0 Victory Against Suning in LPL

JD Gaming made a triumphant return to the LPL with a clean 2-0 win against Suning in a series today. After their impressive performance in the Mid-Season Cup, the Spring Split champions showcased their skills in both games. ADC Lee “LokeN” Dong-wook was on fire, earning his first MVP of the split with his exceptional Ezreal play.

First Game: Passive Start Leads to JDG’s Victory

In the first game, both teams played passively without making proactive plays. Objectives were traded back and forth, with no team emerging as a clear winner. However, JDG managed to secure a few picks, which allowed them to gain an advantage. After establishing vision around Baron, they successfully secured the buff and went on to finish the game.

Second Game: JDG Dominates in a Bloodbath

The second game followed a similar pattern, with both teams playing cautiously in the early stages. JDG, however, made some decisive plays that turned the game into a typical LPL bloodbath. Kills and objectives were constantly traded, but JDG consistently came out on top. With two Barons and the Mountain Dragon Soul in their possession, they pushed into Suning’s base and secured the victory.

Suning deserves credit for their performance, as they put up a strong fight despite being considered the underdogs. They proved that they are a formidable team.

Upcoming Match: JDG vs. TOP Esports

JDG’s next challenge is against TOP Esports, the winners of the Mid-Season Cup. You can watch the match on the official Riot Games LPL channel on Sunday at 8m CT to see if JDG can defeat TOP.

JD Gaming, LPL, Suning, Mid-Season Cup, Spring Split champions, MVP, Ezreal, Baron, objectives, kills, TOP Esports, Riot Games LPL channel