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Janna on the PBE: Get ready for massive buffs

Janna Receives Significant Buffs on League of Legends PBE

Janna, a champion in the popular game League of Legends, is set to receive some major buffs on the Public Beta Environment (PBE). Despite having a 52 percent win rate in solo queue, Janna has fallen out of favor in the competitive meta. To address this, Riot, the game’s developer, has made a series of changes to her abilities.

On the 9.11 PBE cycle, the cooldown on Janna’s ability called Zephyr (W) has been decreased. Previously, it had a fixed eight-second cooldown, but now it has been reduced to 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 seconds. However, the damage of the ability has been slightly nerfed to balance this change.

Instead of relying solely on her ultimate and shield for utility in the late game, Janna will now have her slow ability as a focal point of her skill set. The cooldown on the slow ability has been reduced by two seconds, allowing Janna to better protect her teammates and catch her opponents off guard.

Moreover, Janna’s ability called Eye of the Storm (E) has been buffed. The shield strength has been increased from 70/105/140/175/210 to 80/115/150/185/220, and the cooldown has changed from 18/16/14/12/10 to 16/15/14/13/12. Additionally, a new effect has been added: “Each Janna ability that slows or knocks an enemy champion airborne will reduce Eye of the Storm’s cooldown by 20%.”

This new effect is significant as it allows Janna to reduce the cooldown of her E ability by 3.6 seconds in the early game and 2.4 seconds in the late game whenever she uses her W ability or hits an enemy champion with her Q ability. If her Q ability successfully hits, she can enjoy a 40 percent cooldown reduction. This means that in the late game, her E ability could potentially have a cooldown as low as 7.2 seconds, down from 12 seconds.

It is important to note that these buffs are still subject to change and will undergo a testing period before the official release of Patch 9.11.

Related Janna, League of Legends, PBE changes, buffs, cooldown reduction