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Jankos hilariously gets baited by enemy team’s false surrender

Strange Forfeit Mechanic Surfaces in League of Legends Solo Queue

Even the best players in League of Legends can fall victim to unexpected surprises. Earlier today, G2 jungler Jankos encountered a rare forfeit mechanic during a solo queue match. After dominating their opponents and leading to their inevitable defeat in just 20 minutes, the enemy team decided to throw in the towel.

In League of Legends, when 80 percent of players on the enemy team agree to forfeit, the game usually ends automatically, granting victory to the opposing team without needing to destroy the nexus. However, in this particular match, the forfeit didn’t register for some reason. Believing the game was over, Jankos and his teammates playing Wukong, Pantheon, and Lulu quit the game.

Surprisingly, this turned out to be a clever tactic by the enemy team to bait a comeback. When Jankos realized the game was still ongoing, he couldn’t believe it. “But they just ff’d, they actually ff’d and my whole team left, like the enemy team is so good, no? They actually baited us,” he said.

Once Jankos’ teammates realized the game was still in progress, they quickly rejoined the server to finish the match. As expected, this resulted in a victory for Jankos and an additional 27 LP (League Points) for his impressive efforts.

“I can’t believe the Nexus didn’t explode after they ff’d,” Jankos expressed after the match. It’s clear that if Jankos’ team hadn’t returned, it wouldn’t have been an easy win after all.

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