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Ivern’s new update brings tweaks to his ultimate and arrives on LoL’s PBE for testing.

## Ivern’s Update Brings New Tools and Changes to League of Legends

League of Legends’ lovable jungle character, Ivern, is receiving an update that will enhance his abilities and make his companion, Daisy, even more formidable.

Ivern’s mid-scope update is now available for testing on League’s PBE. While it may not be as complex as recent changes to other champions like Neeko, it does introduce new effects to almost all of Ivern’s abilities. Riot Games previously announced this update in March, alongside the changes for Neeko and Rell expected later this year.

The update includes an increase in Ivern’s attack range, allowing him to reach targets beyond 475 units. This change will benefit both Ivern and his allies. Additionally, the shield provided by Ivern’s E ability will last longer if it doesn’t make contact with enemies upon exploding.

The most significant change affects Ivern’s ultimate ability, Daisy. Now, when Daisy is initially cast, she will knock up any enemy she lands on, specifically targeting champions rooted by Ivern’s Q ability. Riot is removing the effect on Ivern’s passive that grants buffs to allies when he takes a jungle camp, as this mechanic will be introduced to all junglers in a future patch.

The mid-scope update for Ivern is currently available for testing on League’s PBE server. There is no official release date for the update, but it may be part of Patch 13.10, expected on May 17. In addition to these changes, Riot has also introduced various updates to items across all classes on the PBE, which will likely be implemented at the start of the second split.

As these updates greatly impact Ivern’s gameplay, it’s possible that they may be tweaked before they are released on live servers.

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League of Legends, Ivern, update, abilities, Daisy, jungle, PBE, changes.