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Is Season 3 truly League of Legends’ Golden Age, and is the current state worse?

The Golden Age of League of Legends: Comparing Season Three to Present

Season Three is often referred to as “The Golden Age” of League of Legends by former and current players. It was a year that many believe to be the best the game has ever had. In 2013, before Summoner’s Rift received updates and champions like Ryze were reworked, the game had a special charm. However, is it fair to say that the game was better back then?

High Expectations of Season Three

As we look back at League of Legends’ 2013 run, we find that not much has changed gameplay-wise in the past six years. While there have been updates to maps, champions, and more, the essence of fights remains the same. Abilities interact in similar ways, teamfights revolve around bot lane carries, and objective rotations still determine the outcome of matches.

There are a few differences today, such as the shorter lifespan of carries in big fights and changes in the laning phase. However, the main difference is that players have become significantly better at the game. What was once considered incredible in 2013 is now commonplace. The gameplay has become more predictable due to the vast knowledge players have acquired over the years.

For Better or Worse: Changes in Damage and Laning

Although gameplay remains similar, there have been notable changes in certain aspects of the game. Firstly, there has been an increase in overall damage, resulting in quicker fights and a reduced possibility of protecting carries. Back in 2013, eliminating an ADC required a significant advantage and multiple hits. Nowadays, burst damage can quickly take out carries, making it harder to ensure their survival.

Another significant change is the impact of junglers on lanes. In the past, winning your lane was primarily your responsibility as a laner. However, in the present, junglers play a more decisive role in determining a game’s outcome. Their attention and presence in a lane have become crucial for success before teamfights begin.

Additionally, the importance of winning lane matchups has diminished. The focus has shifted to how well a team can coordinate multiple players to gank a lane and secure kills. As a result, laning has become more passive, and players rely heavily on wave-clear and roaming to exert control over the map.

The Big Answer: Is League of Legends Worse in 2019?

Whether League of Legends is better or worse in 2019 is subjective and dependent on individual preferences. While some may enjoy the faster pace, increased damage, and team-oriented laning, others may prefer the gameplay of 2013. Both opinions are valid.

However, the reason we consider 2013 the Golden Age of League of Legends is not solely based on players’ subjective experiences. It is because back then, there was more excitement, wonder, and learning due to the game’s newness and the players’ lack of knowledge. While the game is different now, the sense of discovery and exploration has diminished.

League of Legends has undergone significant changes, but Season Three holds a special place in players’ hearts. It was a time when the game felt fresh, and there was an entire world to explore. The game’s evolution and the increased knowledge of players make it impossible to recreate that same feeling. Therefore, we consider 2013 as the Golden Age of League of Legends.

Keyword: League of Legends, esports, Season Three, Golden Age, gameplay changes, damage, laning dynamics