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Is Mag1c Heading to a New Home for Meteos?

The Buzz Surrounding Meteos Stepping Down as Cloud9’s Jungler

Cloud9 shocked fans recently with the announcement that Meteos, one of the best North American junglers, has stepped down from his position. The team has chosen Hai as a temporary replacement until they find a permanent replacement.

While Cloud9 fans were left stunned, fans of other North American teams saw this as an opportunity. Speculation has been flying about which team may try to bring Meteos on board. With his skill, experience, and status as a local player, many teams could benefit from having him on their roster.

However, the list of teams that would actually benefit from signing Meteos is short. Dignitas and Gravity already have successful junglers, while Team Liquid’s playstyle and shot calling may clash with Meteos’s strengths. Team Impulse is also not a good fit, and Enemy is focused on developing their young players. It ultimately comes down to Team SoloMid, Team 8, and Counter Logic Gaming as the potential suitors for Meteos.

Teams That May Benefit from Signing Meteos

The first team on the list is Team SoloMid, but they are already satisfied with Santorin’s performance. He has been a key part of their success and his playstyle is similar to Meteos’s. Adding Meteos may cause more disruption than improvement.

Team 8 needs a change and replacing their current jungler with Meteos could be the wakeup call they need. However, both Team 8 and Counter Logic Gaming have a clear carry player, and history has shown that the jungle is not the primary carry position for these teams. Adding Meteos could upset the balance and harm team synergy.

The Playstyle Challenge

Both Team 8 and Counter Logic Gaming have a clear understanding of where their gold should go – to the main carry. Meteos’s playstyle, which involves keeping a large portion of the jungle farm for himself, may not be compatible with these teams. Nien of Team 8 and Doublelift of Counter Logic Gaming could struggle to adapt to this change.

Overall, the shortlist of teams that would benefit from signing Meteos comes down to Team SoloMid, Team 8, and Counter Logic Gaming. However, even for these teams, the potential improvement may not outweigh the disruption that would come with adding Meteos to their roster.

The Future for Meteos

If Meteos is open to joining a new team, it is unlikely to be another team in the NA LCS. At this point in the season, it may be too late to consider a move to Europe as well. However, when the offseason arrives, anything is possible. Meteos could end up on a team that is willing to build around him or even start his own Challenger team.

For now, unless Meteos returns to Cloud9, fans will have to wait and see when they will see him on stage again.

Meteos, Cloud9, North American teams, jungler, roster, playstyle, improvement, disruption