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Is League of Legends dead in 2023? What is the player count of League nowadays?

League of Legends: A Thriving Esports Giant

League of Legends is one of the biggest games in the world. Its player counts, popularity, and global esports scene are constantly under scrutiny, with fans and critics alike invested in its success.

Despite rival titles proclaiming its demise, League of Legends remains strong. The playerbase continues to grow each year, with new players joining the community to replace those who may leave.

Is League Dying?

No, League of Legends is not dying. The game is thriving in 2023, with a growing playerbase and unwavering popularity.

While some veteran players may take breaks or suggest moving on from the game, they are in the minority. Many long-term fans eventually return after their hiatus and continue to enjoy the game.

League Player Counts: How Many Still Play?

Currently, over 200 million players log into League of Legends and play each month. This number has increased by 10% since 2022. In July 2023, around 153 million players logged in and played at least one game, with an estimated 10 million playing daily.

Riot’s statistics reveal that the player counts have consistently grown over the years, with the game’s initial launch attracting 11.5 million monthly players. By 2017, the playerbase reached a record-breaking 100 million.

Region-by-Region Breakdown

League of Legends has a global presence, with different regions contributing to its player counts. As of now, China has the highest number of players, followed by Europe West, North America, and Korea.

Esports Event Viewership

League of Legends esports is immensely popular, with events like Mid-Season Invitational and World Championship drawing millions of viewers. Worlds 2023 had over five million viewers at its peak, and MSI 2023 averaged around 796,000 viewers per game.

While viewership in some regions, like NA and Europe, has seen a decline, League esports remains strong overall, especially in Korea and China.

August’s “Gacha” Controversy Threatens Player Counts

A recent controversy surrounding the introduction of Cosmic Capsules in League of Legends has caused uproar among fans. These capsules, resembling a “gacha” system, are the only way to obtain certain skins, leading to potential high costs for players.

However, it is uncertain how much this controversy will impact player counts. Some players have expressed their intention to quit or boycott purchasing skins if the changes persist.

For now, the outcry has had little effect on daily player counts.

League of Legends, player counts, popularity, esports scene, dying, thriving, playerbase, gacha controversy, esports event viewership