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Is it crazy that Riot is buffing Soraka in Patch 9.10?

Riot Gives Soraka Even More Power in Patch 9.10

In Patch 9.9, Riot made some changes to Soraka’s abilities, making her a viable mid laner. Now, in Patch 9.10, Riot is giving her even more power. Her movement speed when landing her Q is being increased, making her even more annoying in solo lanes and the bot lane.

Buffs for Other Champions

Zyra, another support, is also receiving buffs. Her plants will no longer take additional damage from on-hit effects. In the jungle, Master Yi is getting a mini rework, with his Q being able to bounce back to the first target when additional enemies aren’t in range. Xin Zhao’s Q cooldown is also being decreased. Graves is getting another buff to his Q detonation damage. In the top lane, Fiora will be able to block basic attack-based stuns, and Tryndamere is getting a decently-sized buff to his spin cooldown.

Patch 9.10 Release Date

Patch 9.10 is expected to drop on May 15. As there are small changes in this patch, we can expect more tweaks in the upcoming patches as we reach the middle of the League season.

Related keywords: Riot, Soraka, League of Legends, Patch 9.10, buffs, changes, esports