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Is Gwen AP or AD? The Complete Season 12 LoL Guide

Gwen is a new champion in League of Legends known for her powerful melee attacks and physical-like abilities. She has a fast scissor attack and a dash that provides bonus attack range and speed, making her a strong bruiser champion.

Gwen is classified as a balanced champion by Riot, but her kit allows her to deal burst damage and dish out a high number of attacks. She scales well with ability power and can be a challenging opponent for both tank champions and bruisers with a lot of healing. Her healing abilities make her a great skirmisher. Let’s take a look at the best items and runes for Gwen.

Is Gwen AP or AD Champion?

Gwen is primarily an AP champion who scales well with ability power. However, she can still deal significant damage with her abilities when built correctly. Regardless of the item build, Gwen can cut down her enemies with ease.

The Best Item Builds on Gwen

Here are some recommended items for Gwen:

  • Riftmaker – This item synergizes perfectly with Gwen, boosting the damage of her ultimate and Q. It’s especially effective against tank champions and bruisers with sustain.
  • Nashor’s Tooth – This item enhances Gwen’s basic attacks, providing bonus attack speed and increasing her basic attack damage.
  • Cosmic Drive – The extra ability haste from this item complements Gwen’s playstyle, allowing her to chain her abilities more effectively.
  • Morellonomicon – While this item is commonly used as a counter to Gwen, it can also benefit her by negating enemy healing during extended fights.
  • Zhonya’s Hourglass – This item enhances Gwen’s self-peeling ability, allowing her to become untargetable in crucial moments.
  • Sorcerer’s Shoes – Recommended for dealing with tanks in the game.

Best Runes on Gwen

For Gwen, these are the best runes to consider:

  • Conqueror – Ideal for extended fights and improving Gwen’s healing abilities.
  • Sudden Impact – Activates whenever Gwen uses her dash.
  • Legend: Alacrity – A staple rune for Gwen as it enhances her basic attacks.
  • Cut Down – An essential rune for dealing with tank champions.

Champions That Counter Gwen

Gwen has a few counters in the game, including Riven, Yone, Malphite, Shen, and Singed.

Champions That Gwen Counters

Gwen can counter champions like Sylas, Urgot, Tahm Kench, Sejuani, and Vayne.

When Should You Pick Gwen?

Gwen is an excellent pick against teams with many tank champions, as she can easily deal with them. However, it’s best to avoid picking her if the enemy laner has gap closers or dashes, as champions like Riven and Shen can quickly lock her down and chip away at her health bar.


Gwen is a powerful AP champion with ranged melee attacks and a kit that revolves around her basic attacks. Her high number of attacks allows her to reset her ultimate’s cooldown and deal significant damage. With the right item build and runes, Gwen can be a formidable force on the battlefield.