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Is Gangplank AP or AD? The Ultimate Guide for Season 12 in LoL

Is Gangplank AP or AD Champion?

Gangplank is primarily an AD champion who relies on AD items. While his W ability scales with ability power, it’s not recommended to build AP items on him as his major offensive abilities don’t scale with AP. Instead, he can build crit and lethality items to have the ability to one-shot squishy champions.

The Best Item Builds on Gangplank

  • Trinity Force – This item provides bonus movement speed and empowers Gangplank’s damage with the spellblade proc.
  • Hull Breaker – This item is useful for split pushing and grants bonus defensive stats when countering split push mechanics.
  • The Collector – A late-game item that combines critical strike and lethality, with a passive that executes enemies below 5% HP.
  • Mortal Reminder – The low cooldown on Gangplank’s abilities makes this item effective, and his ultimate can help apply grievous wounds to enemies.
  • Prowler’s Claw – An alternative Mythic item that increases Gangplank’s damage against target enemies and provides a gap closer.

Best Runes on Gangplank

  • Grasp of the Undying
  • Demolish
  • Bone Plating
  • Overgrowth
  • Biscuit Delivery
  • Time Warp Tonic
  • +9 Adaptive Force
  • +9 Adaptive Force
  • +6 Armor

When is the Best Time to Pick Gangplank?

Gangplank is an excellent pick when there are no early game abusers on the enemy team. He is best against mid to late-game junglers and top laners.


Gangplank is a powerful AD champion who can stack AD items to one-shot most enemies. He excels at dealing damage to both squishy champions and tanks. His ultimate provides support across the map early in the game, making him a valuable asset to the team.