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Is Dr. Mundo AP or AD? – The Ultimate Season 12 LoL Guide

Mundo recently underwent a champion rework that made him even stronger. Now, when Mundo gets immobilized, he can shrug off CC abilities and heal a portion of his HP. As a melee tank champion, many players wonder if Mundo is AP or AD?

Is Dr. Mundo AP or AD Champion?

Dr. Mundo is a hybrid champion who deals both magic and physical damage. While some of his abilities scale with his bonus HP, his offensive skills rely on AP and AD. Mundo’s Q and W abilities deal magic damage, while his E ability deals physical damage. As a tank champion with hybrid scaling damage, it’s important to know the best item build for Mundo.

Best Item Build On Dr. Mundo

  • Spirit Visage: This item is essential for Mundo because it enhances his healing and provides bonus magic resist for a tank champion like him.
  • Thornmail: This item applies Grievous Wounds to enemies and provides bonus magic damage when basic attacked by enemies.
  • Frostfire Gauntlet: Since Mundo lacks mobility, this item is crucial for slowing down enemies and maintaining distance.
  • Randuin’s Omen: This item reduces critical strike damage from champions who depend on consistent damage.
  • Warmog’s Armor: This item provides a significant HP bonus and strong HP regeneration.
  • Plated Steelcaps: This item mitigates turret damage.

Best Runes To Pick On Dr. Mundo

Is Dr. Mundo AP or AD? - The Ultimate Season 12 LoL Guide
  • Grasp of the Undying: This rune is excellent for early game trades, as it deals bonus magic damage, heals the user, and provides permanent HP.
  • Demolish: This rune synergizes with Mundo’s high HP, allowing him to deal significant damage to enemy structures.
  • Second Wind: To protect himself in the early game, Mundo can select this rune and combine it with Doran’s Shield to mitigate poke damage.
  • Overgrowth: This rune gives Mundo a huge boost in HP for late-game durability.

When Should You Pick Dr. Mundo?

Pick Dr. Mundo when the enemy team lacks bruiser champions and consists mostly of poke champions. Mundo’s HP regeneration is effective against poke damage. Additionally, he is a great pick against champions who rely on on-hit effect items, such as Viego or Master Yi.


Dr. Mundo is a hybrid champion who scales with both AP and AD. However, it’s best to build him as a tank champion, as his spells are not designed for killing opponents. Focus on building tank items that allow Mundo to sustain in team fights for extended periods.