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Is Cho’Gath AP or AD? – The Ultimate Season 12 League of Legends Guide

Cho’Gath: A Powerful Scaling Tank Champion

Cho’Gath is a champion in League of Legends who excels at scaling as a tank once he reaches level 6. His ultimate ability allows him to stack on HP every time he executes an enemy, increasing his size and making him even tankier. This unique aspect of Cho’Gath’s kit allows him to focus on building defensive items like Spirit’s Visage or Thornmail.

Is Cho’Gath AP or AD Champion?

Cho’Gath is a hybrid champion who scales with both HP and AP. His damaging abilities, from Q to his ultimate, scale with ability power. His Q ability even has a 100% AP scaling, making it a powerful nuke ability when built with pure AP items. While there are multiple ways to build Cho’Gath, we will focus on two primary builds: Tank and AP.

Best Item Builds for Cho’Gath

Tank Playstyle

– Spirit’s Visage: Improves Cho’Gath’s self-healing and provides significant magic resist to mitigate burst damage from mages.
– Frostfire Gauntlet: Cho’Gath’s mythic item, which grants him a slow effect to help catch up to enemies and increases his size.
– Thornmail: Inflicts Grievous Wounds on enemies, reducing their healing, perfect for a frontline champion like Cho’Gath.
– Force of Nature: Gives Cho’Gath a 25% damage reduction when he reaches six stacks.
– Frozen Heart: Provides a large mana pool and a massive boost to armor, making Cho’Gath tanky against basic attacks.
– Plated Steelcaps: Essential for early game tower dives.

AP Playstyle

– Luden’s Tempest
– Rabbadon’s Deathcap
– Sorcerer’s Boots
– Void Staff
– Demonic Embrace
– Nashor’s Tooth

Best Runes for Cho’Gath

– Grasp of the Undying
– Demolish
– Conditioning
– Overgrowth
– Triumph
– Legend: Tenacity

When Should You Pick Cho’Gath?

Pick Cho’Gath if the enemy team lacks late-game champions, allowing you to build full AP items and play passively until the late game. If there are no hard carry champions like Vayne or Kaisa on the enemy team, you can opt for full tank items and become a formidable wall for your team. Cho’Gath’s intimidating size, coupled with high defensive stats, can make enemies think twice about trying to take him down.


Cho’Gath is a unique champion who scales with both AP and HP. His tankiness and ultimate damage rely on his AP and HP stats, while his basic abilities scale purely with ability power. You can tailor your item builds to fit Cho’Gath’s playstyle, whether you prefer a tank or AP-focused approach. Experiment with different builds and runes to find the combination that suits your playstyle best.