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Is Camille a AP or AD Champion? – The Ultimate Season 12 LoL Guide

Camille: The Versatile Champion

Camille is a versatile champion who can excel in multiple roles. While she was traditionally played in the jungle and top lane, players are now finding success with her in the middle lane as well. With the ever-changing meta, Camille might even thrive in the bot lane. Known for her 1v1 prowess and true damage from her empowered Q, Camille is a force to be reckoned with.

Camille’s abilities give her a strong advantage in fights. Her passive provides an adaptive shield that activates when she hits a champion for the first time. The shield she generates depends on whether the champion is AP or AD. However, it’s important to understand her primary stat before deciding if she can beat AP or AD champions.

Is Camille an AP or AD Champion?

Here’s the answer:

Camille is an AD-based champion, meaning her damage scales with attack damage. However, she does have a passive on her W that allows her to heal based on her maximum HP. Since Camille already deals impressive damage with her Q, she can be built with either tank or AD items depending on the enemy team composition. Personally, I prefer building tank items on her because she already has excellent gap-closing abilities and damage. Even with all tank items, she can still burst down isolated ADCs.

There are various builds that work well on Camille, but the core items you should rush have a passive spellblade. This synergyzes well with her low-mana, low-cooldown Q ability, allowing her to proc it frequently.

Best Builds for Camille

  • Against tanks: Titanic Hydra, Sterak’s Gage, Blade of the Ruined King, Divine Sunderer, Plated Steel Caps, Guardian Angel.
  • Against squishies: Titanic Hydra, Trinity Force, Sterak’s Gage, Death’s Dance, Plated Steel Caps, Guardian Angel.

Best Runes for Camille

  • Grasp of the Undying: This rune provides sustain and boosts damage from Camille’s basic attacks, making it ideal for trading in the top lane.
  • Shield Bash: Camille’s passive shield can also be used to deal bonus damage, especially when combined with Sheen and her Q ability.
  • Bone Plating: This rune synergizes well with Camille’s passive, providing additional defensive stats in the early game.
  • Overgrowth: This rune grants bonus HP in the late game.

When Should You Pick Camille?

Pick Camille if the enemy team has a squishy backline that she can easily access with her dashes and ultimate. She can also be effective against tanks, thanks to her ability to build tank items while still dealing true damage. Additionally, Camille is a strong counter to champions with dash abilities, making her a solid choice if the enemy top laner relies on mobility.

What’s the Best Lane for Camille?

Camille is primarily played in the top lane as a powerful tank/bruiser. She can quickly push lanes without relying on her jungler’s assistance and has excellent ganking potential. However, she can also be played in the jungle or mid lane. Keep in mind that Camille requires skill and good macro play in the mid lane, including wave management and lane rotations.


Camille is an AD-based champion who can be built as a tank or a bruiser. Her staple items include sustain items like lifesteal and shields. In the late game, she becomes a tank bruiser, but be cautious against champions who stack offensive stats, as she can be squishy. Use her E ability wisely, as it can be a powerful aggressive tool but also carries risks if you fail to land the stun.