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Is Bard AP or AD? – The Ultimate Season 12 Guide in League of Legends

Is Bard AP or AD?

Bard is an AP-based champion with a unique set of abilities. His passive and Q can deal increased damage with higher ability power, and his heal also scales with AP. However, Bard’s utility is already strong without focusing on AP items. Instead, prioritize utility items to protect your allies, and consider mobility boots for Bard’s roaming playstyle.

Best Bard Items That You Should Consider Buying

  • Shurelya’s Battlesong – Use it to initiate or disengage fights.
  • Redemption – A helpful item after Bard uses his ultimate on teammates.
  • Chemtech Putrifier – Bard’s Q and passive can apply Grievous Wounds to multiple enemies.
  • Mikael’s Blessing – Great for peeling and protecting your ADC from hard crowd control.
  • Locket of the Iron Solari – Shield your allies after using Bard’s ultimate.
  • Boots of Mobility – Bard’s roaming potential is amplified with increased movement speed.

Best Runes for Bard

  • Guardian
  • Font of life
  • Bone plating
  • Revitalize
  • Zombie ward
  • Relentless Hunter

What Role Can Bard Take?

Bard excels as a support champion, focusing on helping and protecting his allies. He can save allied champions and even towers from damage. Nicknamed the caretaker, Bard is designed to be a support champion.

When Should I Pick Bard?

If your team composition includes champions with AoE abilities or hyper-carry ADCs, Bard’s ultimate becomes even more valuable. Bard synergizes well with these types of champions and can provide crucial support.


Bard is a support champion whose power scales with ability power. Increase his movement speed by collecting meeps scattered across the map. While there are alternative builds to experiment with, focusing on support and following the tips in this article will help you succeed as a Bard player.