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Is Ahri a AP or AD champion? – The Ultimate Season 12 LoL Guide

Is Ahri AP or AD Champion?

Ahri is an AP-based champion in League of Legends. All of her abilities have AP scaling, so building AD items won’t improve her damage. It’s best to focus on pure AP items for maximum effectiveness.

Best Ahri Build Depending On Enemy’s Team Comp

Here are some recommended builds for Ahri based on the enemy’s team composition:

  • AD-based enemy team: Zhonya’s Hourglass, Crown of the Shattered Queen, Horizon Focus, Cosmic Drive, Ionian boots of Lucidity, Rabbadon’s Deathcap.
  • Tank-based enemy team: Void Staff, Demonic Embrace, Hextech Rocketbelt, Rylai’s Scepter, Sorcerer’s Shoes, Cosmic Drive.

Best Runes For Ahri

  • Electrocute – easily procced with Ahri’s taunt.
  • Taste of Blood – synergizes with Ahri’s passive heal and her poke playstyle.
  • Eyeball Collection – stacks make Ahri stronger as the game progresses.
  • Ultimate Hunter – reduces the cooldown of Ahri’s ultimate.
  • Biscuit Delivery – provides free health and mana potions.
  • Timewarp Tonic – instantly heals with potion use during trades.

What Lane Can Ahri Be Played In?

Ahri is primarily played in the mid lane and excels in that role. However, she can be played as a support in the bottom lane in certain situations. Her fast wave clear makes her a great mid laner, allowing her to roam and support her teammates with her ultimate.

Best Ahri Counters And Strong Against

  • Counters: Diana, Cho’Gath, and Neeko can immobilize Ahri and prevent her from using her ultimate to disengage.
  • Strong against: Malzahar, Ryze, Nunu & Willump are champions vulnerable to Ahri’s taunt and can be shut down easily.


Ahri is a versatile champion that fits well in various team compositions. She should focus on building AP items to maximize her damage. Take advantage of her roaming potential and master wave management to excel with Ahri. Good luck and have fun!