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Invictus Gaming starts 2021 LPL Spring Split with an impressive comeback against Suning, minus TheShy.

Invictus Gaming Secures 2-1 Win in LPL Spring Split Opener

Invictus Gaming started off the 2021 LPL Spring Split with a 2-1 victory over Suning in an intense series. Although Suning won the first match, they couldn’t maintain their lead against the former world champions.

The MVP votes went to Invictus Gaming’s top laner Zhao “neny” Zhi-Hao and mid laner Rookie. TheShy couldn’t make it for the first week, so IG promoted their 17-year old academy top laner as a replacement. He performed excellently against world finalist Bin, helping IG secure the series with impressive ultimates. In the middle lane, Rookie had a great performance throughout the series, securing priority and assisting his jungler with aggressive invades.

The first match of the series showcased impressive plays from both teams. They traded kills and objectives, keeping the gold even until Suning secured the Baron and backdoored IG to win the game. Bin’s Gnar played a crucial role in preventing IG from making a comeback.

In the second game, IG adjusted their draft and banned difficult picks like Nocturne and Twisted Fate. Rookie’s Galio proved to be a crucial pick against Twisted Fate, and IG won the game with early map control and snowballing their teammates.

Carrying the momentum from the previous win, IG had a better draft in the third game and outplayed Suning in all aspects. Despite maintaining a close gold difference, Suning gradually lost map control. IG secured major objectives and pushed Suning into their base for a quick victory.

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[ Invictus Gaming, Suning, LPL Spring Split, MVP votes, top laner, mid laner, TheShy, Zhao “neny” Zhi-Hao, Rookie, series, match, win, intense, former world champions, academy top laner, priority, aggressive invades, Gnar, comeback, draft, banned, Nocturne, Twisted Fate, Galio, momentum, third game, objectives, YouTube, esports news, analysis]