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Introducing Vvvortic, the Most Notorious Troll of League of Legends

Vvvortic: The League of Legends Troll Taking the Internet by Storm

If you’ve watched any League of Legends video on YouTube, you’ve probably come across him. He’s the guy with the thin-rimmed glasses and hat that everyone mistakenly calls a fedora. He leaves poorly spelled comments about the game and complains about his struggles as a player. It’s the same routine every time, but with the same predictable response.

The Rise of Vvvortic

Vvvortic is the most famous and surprisingly popular troll in the League of Legends community. His presence is so widespread that he has spawned countless imitators and reference accounts, including his supposed sister, dog, and twin brother. His unique way of speaking, with mispronunciations and made-up words, is starting to become part of the community’s language. It’s safe to say that if you follow League of Legends, you know the name Vvvortic.

The Man Behind the Troll

The person behind the Vvvortic persona is Victor, a young college drop-out from Los Angeles. Interestingly, the picture associated with Vvvortic isn’t even him. Victor explains, “I just Googled ‘fedora nerds’ and picked that image because I hadn’t seen it before.” He started playing League of Legends after getting bored of World of Warcraft and dropping out of college. Victor has mixed feelings about the game, criticizing toxic players and expressing annoyance towards female players. It was these frustrations that inspired him to troll the League of Legends subreddit.

The Birth of a Joke

At first, no one realized that Vvvortic was a joke. His comments, although absurd, were not far off from what lower-ranked players genuinely believed. They blamed others for their failures rather than accepting their own shortcomings. The community responded with hostility, but as Vvvortic continued to post, people began to realize it was all in good fun. Now, the joke has become part of the community, and there is even a subreddit dedicated to Vvvortic.

Vvvortic has embraced his troll persona, gaining a cult following and even creating his own YouTube videos. Although his content may not be everyone’s cup of tea, his videos attract a significant number of views. With 13,000 subscribers and potential plans to start streaming his games, Vvvortic is on the path to becoming a successful content creator.

In the end, Vvvortic’s success lies in his commitment to his trolling character. As long as he stays true to himself, he has the potential to make a career out of it.