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Interview with LGD: Determined to fight till the end

LGD’s Struggles: Problems in Pick and Ban and Mentalities

LGD has disappointingly faced a losing streak during the group stages of the tournament, leaving fans and Chinese viewers disappointed.

The team has become almost unrecognizable, with numerous problems in pick and ban strategies as well as the players’ mindsets.

Xiao Mo, LGD’s group leader, acknowledged these issues in an interview after the group stages.

He admitted to facing challenges in managing the players and handling pick and ban.

However, he emphasized that the players won’t give up and will continue fighting until the end as long as there’s hope.

Hi Xiao Mo. Let’s talk about LGD’s mentality after losing three consecutive games.

Xiao Mo: After losing three games, the players had mixed feelings. We had a long meeting to comfort and encourage them not to give up. They will approach each upcoming game as if it’s the most important one in their careers.

What conclusions did you reach during the meeting?

Xiao Mo: We identified several problems and held the meeting to raise awareness about them. These include countering EU/NA lane swaps and fast push strategies, refining our lane swap tactics, and improving our understanding of pick and ban. Over the next five days, we hope to address these issues.

Many fans have criticized LGD’s pick and ban strategy. What is your response?

Xiao Mo: Each team has its own strategy for pick and ban. Sometimes, overconfidence and a lack of understanding of the meta can lead to losses. In the last two games, being on the blue side made us vulnerable to red side’s last pick. We need to improve our game understanding, adapt our lane swaps, and employ different strategies to win our lanes. We lost because we didn’t plan well. In the third game, despite picking strong champions, we couldn’t execute our composition due to numerous mistakes.

How have the scrims been going in the past two days? What’s the players’ mentality like?

Xiao Mo: Currently, the scrims are going okay. The results are still inconsistent, but we’re moving in the right direction. We need more practice and aim to minimize our mistakes. Despite the limited time, we value every moment we have. As professional gamers, we have faced difficult situations before. Our confidence and mentality won’t break suddenly. All the players have adjusted themselves and are fully committed to practicing.

Lastly, LGD is aware of the bleak future. How do the players feel?

Xiao Mo: Everyone understands the circumstances we’re facing. We won’t give up. We’ll fight until the end with no regrets.


LGD, pick and ban, Chinese viewers, losing streak, mentality, problems, interviews, strategies, lane swaps, understanding, practice.