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Interview with Jish, Head Coach of the Dire Wolves in the OPL

An Interview with Josh “Jish” Carr-Hummerston, Head Coach of Dire Wolves

This is an interview I did with Josh “Jish” Carr-Hummerston, head coach of Dire Wolves, after the first week of the Oceanic Pro League. In this interview, we discuss the team’s performance, their recent backstory, and the overall outlook of the OCE region. Let’s dive in!

Evaluating the Team’s Performance and Next Steps

Q: How did you feel about the games this week? Evaluate your team’s performance and plans moving forward.
A: We finished the week with a 2-0 win over Avant Garde and Team Immunity. I am satisfied with our performance, although there is room for improvement. We need to eliminate pressure and nerves during matches. Our focus now is on practicing and improving as a new team with this roster.

Picking Champions to Counter the Opposition

Q: The game against Avant saw DW using midgame champions like Corki and Irelia. Was this a pre-planned strategy or did you react to your opponent?
A: We had multiple strategies planned for the game. We wanted to counter Avant’s composition and have flexibility in champion select. Our bans and picks were tailored to give us an advantage. We also wanted to be prepared for any surprising picks from Avant.

The Evolution of the Roster

Q: ChuffeR, previously an ADC, is now in the support role. What was the reasoning behind this change?
A: ChuffeR was a skilled ADC and a valuable member of the team. However, we wanted someone who could drive our comms and dictate the pace of the play, which ChuffeR is better suited for in the support role. ChuffeR’s mechanical strength is an asset regardless of position. Additionally, k1ng was originally part of the team but couldn’t play due to age restrictions.

OCE Meta and Player Movement

Q: Can you describe the OCE meta to new viewers? Also, how do you feel about OCE players moving to other leagues?
A: The OCE meta is fast-paced and aggressive, sometimes overly so. Teams prefer lane dominant champions and team fight potential, which leads to exciting but messy games. It’s important to understand that OCE is still developing and shouldn’t be compared to more established regions like Korea. As for player movement, it’s bittersweet to see talented players leave, but it also showcases that OCE has players capable of competing at higher levels.

Challenges and Goals for the Season

Q: How do you see the strength of the league in the near future? Which teams will be the biggest challenge for DW?
A: The OPL will likely take time to adjust after the long hiatus. I expect a division between the top and bottom halves of the league, but any team can rapidly improve. I anticipate Chiefs, Dire Wolves, and Legacy to contest for the top spots, making them formidable opponents.

The Road Ahead for Dire Wolves

Q: What are the team’s goals this split? What aspects are you focusing on for long-term improvement?
A: Our goal is to finish in the top two and secure an invitation to LAN. We want to grow as a team, refine our playstyle, and play with greater consistency. We also aim to increase our popularity and become a respected force in the region.

That concludes our interview with Josh Carr-Hummerston. Stay tuned for more updates from Dire Wolves. Follow Josh on Twitter: @JishLoL.

interview, Dire Wolves, Oceanic Pro League, team performance, roster changes, OCE meta, player movement, challenges, goals