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Interview with Clearlove: If we reach the finals, we can defeat SKT.

EDG’s Jungler, Clearlove, Confident in Beating SKT

Despite losing to SKT, EDG has made it to the top 8 in the tournament. After the game, we interviewed EDG’s jungler, Clearlove, who expressed confidence in beating SKT if they were to meet again. We asked Clearlove what he thought set the pace for the game, especially in their second game against SKT where their team was under a lot of pressure.

Clearlove: In my first gank bot lane, our communication wasn’t good, so we couldn’t follow up on Tristana or Morgana. If we did, we could’ve gotten at least one kill. Then Elise roamed top, which put us in an unfortunate situation. Marin took advantage of the lane, and we were completely pressured. We had to use TP to maintain some pressure. Since Marin didn’t need to use TP, our bot lane refused to play aggressively. That’s what set the tone for the game.

Why didn’t you help out top lane?

Clearlove: I thought we had a chance in bot lane. We thought they would lane swap, but they didn’t. We started with blue buff. If I went from blue to red and Elise interrupted my red, I wouldn’t be able to guard it. Also, Tristana and Morgana needed to push because of their champions. If I succeeded in my gank bot lane and got more wards and items, it would’ve turned out better. If our top lane wasn’t pushed out, the game would’ve gone much smoother, and we would’ve won.

Injuries and Sickness in the Team

Clearlove: Pawn and Koro had injuries. As for me, I got sick because our practice rooms weren’t good. The rooms were small and it was difficult to breathe. I started coughing and eventually got a cold. My head hurt too. Everyone else was okay.

Thoughts During the Game Against BKT

Clearlove: I was thinking, “Let’s hurry up and get a team fight so we can win the game quickly.”

Were You Nervous?

Clearlove: Yes, I was nervous. But I felt like we could still win if we capitalized on their mistakes.

Fighting over Champion Picks

Clearlove: Rek’Sai and Elise are both strong junglers. It’s necessary to fight over them. However, it depends on whether I want to play them. These champions are restricted when it comes to lane swapping, as they rely on early lane ganks. If you lane swap, these champions end up being passive in team fights.

Weaker Jungle Invades in Recent Games

Clearlove: It depends on the champion I choose. I picked Gragas three times today. He’s a champion that needs to farm and performs well in team fights. If you land a good ultimate in a team fight, you can win. Our opponents picked champions like Rek’Sai and Elise, which are more aggressive and take advantage of the game. You can only win if you snowball. So the champion you choose dictates how you play the game.

Clearlove’s Upcoming Plans

Clearlove: We’re going to relax tomorrow. The day after tomorrow, we’ll retreat to our practice room and watch the games.

Inconvenience of Limited Computers

Clearlove: I don’t think so. Koro is recovering from being sick. We’ll see who performs well in practice to determine the player for the bracket stage. The coach will also have a say in it.

Changes in Pawn’s Champion Picks

Clearlove: This patch favors champions with good wave clear. In the Spring Split, Pawn picked champions he wanted to play. Now, he’s playing for the team. However, if there’s a chance, he’ll choose champions like Yasuo or Leblanc.

Discrepancy in Games Against SKT

Clearlove: In the first game, we weren’t used to NA/EU lane swaps, which caused our top lane to lose and snowball the game into our loss. In the second game, our pick and ban strategy was better than SKT’s, but we didn’t execute our gameplay correctly.

Chances of Beating SKT in Future Matches

Clearlove: If we meet SKT again, it’ll probably be in the finals. If we make it to the finals, we can beat SKT. Both me and Meiko have confidence in it.


esports, SKT, EDG, Clearlove, jungler, interview, game, pressure, communication, lane swap, injuries, sickness, team fight, champion picks, jungle invades, computer availability, Pawn, SKT matchup, finals, confidence.