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Interested in Gold Funneling in League of Legends?

The Controversial Strategy in League of Legends: Gold Funneling

One of the most irritating playstyles in solo queue or professional matches of League of Legends is gold funneling. Although it may seem like a buzzword, it is a legitimate meta strategy. Despite being frustrating to play against and boring to play as, when executed correctly, it can be highly effective.

The difficult part is doing it correctly. In solo queue, teams often struggle to cooperate with players who plan to funnel gold through the mid lane. This can lead to negative results and reports for negative attitude or intentional feeding.

But worry not, we’ve compiled some tips and tricks to make this annoying strat work for you.

Why People Will Hate You

It’s important to understand why this strategy receives backlash. By funneling gold, you essentially take away the interactivity of the mid lane and turn it into a passive farming role. You prioritize farming over engaging in fights, unless they directly benefit your carry’s resources. This can make the game feel less fun for about 20 or 30 minutes, even if you ultimately win.

Additionally, this strategy eliminates the traditional jungle role in your team. To execute it correctly, you and a duo partner have to queue up as jungle and mid lane. The “jungler” will act as your support, following you everywhere. This means that if other lanes need assistance, they won’t receive help from a jungler, which can be frustrating for them.

Haters Gonna Hate, But Communication Is Key

Even if you decide to go ahead with the gold funneling strategy, it’s important to communicate with your team. Let your top and bot lanes know that they won’t have a traditional jungler and should play accordingly. This way, they can adjust their playstyle and make the most of the strategy. If they choose not to listen, at least you warned them about the playstyle.

The Nitty Gritty of Gold Funneling

To execute gold funneling, you’ll need to choose a carry and a support partner. The carry will take Smite, while the support will opt for Exhaust, Ignite, or Heal. There are several champion combinations that work for this strategy. You can go for Master Yi and Taric, Karthus and Nunu, Shyvana and Mordekaiser, Kai’Sa and Braum, Lucian and Braum, or any other combination involving Braum.

In the game, the support will stick to the carry like glue, accompanying them everywhere. Start by taking your team’s red buff, raptor camp, and the nearest Scuttle Crab before heading to lane. Use Smite as needed. When you reach the lane, either clear waves and push the tower or engage on the mid laner with your support’s assistance. Afterward, head back to your jungle to clear the blue buff side and continue farming in the lane.

The objective is to farm at a steady pace, occasionally taking buffs and Scuttle Crabs. A well-practiced duo will know when to roam for kills, adding even more advantage to the massively-farmed carry. However, be cautious and only attempt roaming once you’re comfortable with the strategy.

The Results and Potential Pitfalls

The ultimate goal of gold funneling is to have your hyper-carry champion reach their power spikes much earlier than the enemy team. Ideally, your carry should have three items while the enemy carries are still working on their first. This gives you a significant advantage.

If the strategy doesn’t work out, there are a few potential pitfalls. If an enemy carry becomes fed enough to match your power, it will be challenging to come out on top. This often occurs in solo queue when your side lanes play aggressively without the support of a jungler. Additionally, if the rest of your team composition doesn’t complement the funneling strategy, it will be difficult to keep your carry alive.

So, go ahead and give the gold funneling strategy a try. Just be aware that it may disappoint your friends. But don’t worry, your secret is safe with us.

League of Legends, gold funneling, meta strategy, duo, mid lane, carry, support, communication