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Increasing Rift Herald Spawn Rates in League of Legends

The Rift Herald is a game-changing objective in League of Legends. To ensure you secure both Rift Heralds, you need constant vision on the Herald and ask your team to help you with a leash. Additionally, make sure to pop the Herald’s eyes for maximum damage.

However, it’s not easy to get to the Herald due to its early game value. The enemy team will always try to contest you. To help you secure more Rift Heralds, we’ve written this guide.

Setting Up For the Herald

Setting up for an objective is crucial for securing it. New players often overlook this step and end up losing the Herald to the enemy jungler. Follow these practices to save your team from losing the Herald:

Warding Off the Rift Herald

Warding the Herald provides vision and disables any Stealth Wards around it. It also gives your team time to rotate towards the objective if the enemy jungler tries to destroy the ward and start the Herald.

Creating Pressure in Mid/Top Lane

If you want your team to rotate and help you with the Herald, make sure your laners are in control. Gank your laners and help them push the lane. A successful gank allows your laner to assist you with the Herald, putting the enemy jungler at a disadvantage.

Setting Up Your Pathing

Pathing is important for setting up for the Herald. Start your clear from the top side, then the bottom side by the 8-minute mark to set up for Herald.

Killing the Rift Herald

After setting up for the Rift Herald, you need to kill it quickly. Follow these practices to secure the Herald:

Utilizing the Herald’s Eye

Hit the Herald’s eye as many times as you can to deal damage. If needed, have another team member take the Herald’s aggro to make it vulnerable.

Smiting the Herald

Level your smite by the time the Herald spawns. Time your smite with the Herald’s eye spawn and aim to smite the Herald around 2k HP while popping the eye to prevent the enemy jungler from stealing it.

Stealing the Herald

If your team can’t contest the Herald, you can attempt to steal it. Be cautious as an unsuccessful steal can have negative consequences. Use your smite and abilities like Kayn and Shaco to your advantage.

Trading Drake For Herald

If you can’t contest the enemy team for a drake, you can trade it for the Herald. This trade provides more value as the early turret gold can give you a lead.

Can You Have Two Heralds on the Map at the Same Time?

No, you can’t summon two Rift Heralds at the same time on the Rift. However, in the URF game mode, it is possible with the help of Anivia walls. Killing the first Herald and using Anivia walls can allow you to summon multiple Heralds.


Securing a Rift Herald is not easy, but it can be a game-changer. By following the steps mentioned in this guide, you’ll have a better chance of securing Heralds and other objectives in the game.