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Impressive Star Guardian Nami skin concept showcased by artist

League of Legends Community Enthralled by Spectacular New Star Guardian Nami Fan-Made Skin

The League of Legends community is known for its vast reservoir of artistic talent, constantly churning out incredible fan-made skin concepts. However, one particular artist, Harimi, has captured everyone’s attention with a stunning Star Guardian Nami skin.

The design by Harimi perfectly aligns with the bright and cheerful theme of the Star Guardian skin line. The concept showcases Nami, the Tidecaller, adorned in a teal and white ensemble with golden star-shaped accents. She also wears a regal crown-like headpiece and beautiful blue ribbons flowing from her waist. The head of Nami’s staff is crafted in the shape of a crescent moon, mimicking the gold and teal color scheme of her outfit.

The skin itself is impressive, but what sets Harimi’s work apart is the additional content provided. The artist has included a mock summoner’s icon, an in-game model, and a step-by-step visual exploration of the design process behind the splash art. Notably, Harimi has also designed a delightful penguin-like familiar for Nami, adding to her immersion in the Star Guardian universe.

Unfortunately for Nami mains, she recently received the Splendid Staff skin in September, which means it’s unlikely she’ll be getting another skin anytime soon. Nevertheless, fans of the Tidecaller can only hold out hope that her next appearance will be as elegant as Harimi’s remarkable Star Guardian Nami concept.

Follow Harimi’s Artistic Journey

To stay updated with Harimi’s incredible work, follow the artist on ArtStation and Twitter.

Related League of Legends, esports, Star Guardian Nami, fan-made skin, artistic talent