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Impressive Performance by Immortals at IEM

Immortals Makes Semifinals at IEM Gyeonggi

After a challenging offseason, Immortals arrived in South Korea for IEM Gyeonggi with a new roster. Despite the lack of time to fully integrate the new players, the team performed well in their first game and made it to the semifinals. Immortals still has room for improvement, but each player proved their worth. Additionally, the team finally won a playoff elimination match after struggling in Season 6.

The first game for Immortals was against J Team, the top team from Taiwan. Rookie ADC Cody Sun played with confidence against former World Champion BeBe, and Dardoch’s presence on the map was impressive. Immortals demonstrated coordination in shot calls, even if they were occasionally puzzling.

In their second match against Samsung Galaxy, a team known for strategic gameplay, Immortals held their own in the first game. However, SSG’s patient teamfight execution and Crown’s exceptional performance led them to victory. The second game didn’t go as well, with Immortals’ duo lane struggling against Ruler and CoreJJ.

Another Elimination Match

After the series loss, Immortals faced J Team again in a best-of-three rematch. In the first game, the bot lane struggled, but Flame and Pobelter carried the team to victory. In game two, J Team handled the pressure well and focused on FoFo’s Cassiopeia.

The pivotal game four showcased Immortals’ strategy. Dardoch ganked for Flame, helping him gain a significant advantage in CS. Flame’s ability to dominate the lane led to a persistent 4-1 split push, gaining Immortals more towers despite giving up kills. It resembled the patient playstyle of South Korean teams. A Baron call by J Team allowed Flame to execute a devastating Kennen ult and secure the win.

From there, Immortals closed out the game patiently, a departure from their aggressive strategy in Season 6. They took fewer unnecessary risks and demonstrated a better understanding of when to win and when not to lose.

The Season 6 Immortals squad played some of the most exciting games in League history. In Season 7, Immortals hopes to find a balance between aggression and success.

End of Article Immortals, IEM Gyeonggi, League, South Korea, roster, players, playoffs, J Team, Samsung Galaxy, Flame, Pobelter