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Immortals End Losing Streak, Defeat Cloud9 in 2021 LCS Summer Split Week 3

LCS 2021 Summer Split: Cloud9 vs. Immortals – A Complete Domination

The LCS 2021 Summer Split standings do not reflect the performances of Cloud9 and Immortals, especially after their recent match.

Cloud9 had no answers to the dominating gameplay of Immortals in day two of week three. Both teams showed little initiative in the early laning phase, but once Immortals began poking the Cloud9 comp, the game shifted heavily in their favor.

In the first week, Immortals had a miraculous 3-0 streak but followed it with a disappointing 0-3 performance the next week. Although Cloud9 is still at the top of the standings, their synergy seems to be lacking, as demonstrated in today’s game.

The surprising return of Diana as a jungle pick for the third time this weekend proved advantageous for Blaber’s aggressive playstyle. However, in coordinated pro play, assassins can only take you so far.

Revenge’s Viego played a crucial role in Immortals’ victory against the top-seeded Cloud9. Together with Insanity’s Nocturne, they dealt massive burst damage to Cloud9’s squishy composition, consistently eliminating them from the game. Insanity’s impressive performance earned him the Player of the Game title.

Although Cloud9 briefly turned the game in their favor with a teamfight, they were caught out in their own jungle, crushing their comeback hopes. Immortals showed great coordination and established themselves as one of the strongest teams in the LCS.

With their impressive performances in the first three weeks, Immortals has become a hot topic in the LCS, while Cloud9 struggles to retain their top position amid fierce competition from all teams in the league.

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