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Imaqtpie and Shiphtur, known as casual players, fail to reach Challenger for the first time

Imaqtpie and Shiphtur Fail to Make Challenger in NA League of Legends Server

It’s a sad day for players on the NA League of Legends server as Michael “Imaqtpie” Santana and Danny “Shiphtur” Le were unable to reach Challenger by the end of the ranked season. This marks the first time in their professional and streaming careers that they have not made the cut. Instead, they find themselves in Master tier, with Shiphtur at 308 LP and Imaqtpie at 306.

A Recap of Their Year in Solo Queue

Let’s take a look back at the year of solo queue for both players. Shiphtur’s 2018 solo queue performance appears to be slightly better than Imaqtpie’s. According to his profile, Shiphtur had higher winrates than 50 percent on his main champions—Ekko, Kassadin, and LeBlanc. His Kassadin, in particular, had an impressive winrate of 59 percent after nearly 300 games. On the other hand, Imaqtpie faced some challenges.

Imaqtpie’s most-played champion, Kai’Sa, had a winrate below 50 percent, meaning he lost more than he won despite playing her the most in ranked. Out of his top five most-played champions, he only managed to break the 50 percent winrate on Lucian. The rest were either below 50 percent or even. Shiphtur, on the other hand, struggled with certain champions. His Zoe and Jhin, both still in his top 10 most-played, had abysmal winrates of 41 and 38 percent respectively.

Looking Towards the Future

Although they may not be considered the best players in the world, Imaqtpie and Shiphtur are still having fun. And even if they can’t make it into Challenger next year, they may have the chance to reach Grandmaster, which sounds pretty cool.

Related keywords: Imaqtpie, Shiphtur, NA League of Legends, Challenger, solo queue, ranked season, Master tier, winrate, professional player, streaming careers, Kai’Sa, Lucian, Zoe, Jhin, Grandmaster