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Iconic League of Legends esports caster bids farewell to broadcasting in 2023

Popular League of Legends Caster Phreak Retires to Pursue Game Design Dreams at Riot Games

After a decade as one of the most recognizable voices in North American League of Legends, popular community figure David “Phreak” Turley has announced his retirement from shoutcasting. He is set to embark on a new path in his career as a game designer for Riot Games on the Summoner’s Rift team.

In a recent announcement, the 35-year-old revealed that his new role at Riot is a dream come true that he has been passionate about since his college days. With extensive knowledge and specialization in the game over countless seasons, Phreak is excited to realize this long-held goal.

Phreak shared, “This felt like the right time. There’s a lot I still have to learn and figure out in terms of my full competencies and everything else.”

Having started his journey with Riot in 2009, Phreak initially applied for both community and game design internships. He eventually secured a community internship, which paved the way for his rise as one of the most beloved figures in the League ecosystem. He has been involved in various aspects, from champion spotlights to casting matches at the World Championship.

However, during the Summer Split of this year, Phreak interviewed for a game design position at Riot. As the World Championship approached, he knew he wanted to pursue this opportunity. To his delight, he learned that he had passed the interview and accepted the job offer, with his official start date set for January.

Phreak’s experience as a League caster will undoubtedly contribute to his decision-making within the Summoner’s Rift team at Riot. He also brings a wealth of connections and conversations with other game designers he has met throughout his career. While acknowledging the fear of stepping into the unknown, Phreak is determined to excel in his new role, with Riot expressing confidence in his abilities.

Phreak’s infectious energy and play-by-play commentary will undoubtedly be missed by many fans when the new season begins next year.