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Huni discusses Yasuo selection, playoffs, and his belief in Immortals’ IEM victory

Huni Dominates LCS Regular Season with Rare Champion Picks

Huni, the top laner for Immortals, showed off his skills by playing rarely picked champions and carrying his team to victory in two games. He played Ekko and decimated Malphite in one match and achieved a pentakill in another game.

Huni’s Performance on Yasuo Showcases His Skill

Huni’s performance on Yasuo against Team SoloMid was particularly impressive. He posted a KDA of 7/1/10 and made plays that demonstrated why he is known as one of the most talented solo laners in the world.

Immortals Expands their Champion Pool

One criticism of Immortals this season has been their limited champion pool and play styles. However, during this weekend’s games, they showcased new champions that they had been practicing in preparation for the playoffs.

Immortals Looks Ahead to International Competition

Immortals has their sights set on international tournaments and wants to prove that they are a strong region. The team believes they have the skills and experience necessary to succeed on the international stage, and they are confident in their ability to perform well in playoffs.

LCS, esports, Immortals, Huni, champion pool, international tournaments