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Huanfeng hands V5 their first loss of the split

Victory Five Suffers First Loss to Weibo Gaming in Competitive LPL Match

Victory Five experienced their first defeat of the 2022 LPL Spring Split at the hands of Weibo Gaming. In a highly-anticipated matchup between two LPL powerhouses, Weibo Gaming emerged victorious after a thrilling three-game series.

Game one began with a risky draft from Victory Five, allowing Weibo Gaming to secure powerful picks like Caitlyn and Corki. In response, Victory Five opted for a dive-heavy composition with champions like Samira, Xin Zhao, and Nautilus to attack Weibo’s damage-oriented carries.

In the first game, Victory Five’s Rich managed to secure a solo kill on Weibo Gaming’s TheShy with just three HP remaining. This allowed Victory Five to establish control over the top and mid lanes. However, Weibo Gaming’s AD carry remained a threat on Caitlyn. Victory Five eventually secured a 35-minute victory with their advantage in dragons and a baron buff.

In the second game, Weibo Gaming focused on enabling their AD carry, Huanfeng, to apply pressure and secure objectives. Weibo Gaming dominated the game, securing every dragon and ultimately winning in just 26 minutes.

The third game saw Weibo Gaming win the draft, securing key picks for their bot lane and mid laner. The game became a battle for mid priority, with Weibo’s Corki rockets zoning out Victory Five from certain objectives. Weibo Gaming eventually won the game and the series, improving their record to 4-1 while Victory Five dropped to seventh place with a 3-1 record.

Huanfeng, Weibo Gaming’s AD carry, was the standout player of the series, playing a crucial role in the team’s victories. In the upcoming week, Weibo Gaming will face FunPlus Phoenix to further improve their record. Meanwhile, Victory Five will play against struggling teams OMG and Invictus Gaming.

Upcoming Matches and Final Thoughts

Week Three of the LPL Spring Split will conclude with matches between TOP and OMG, followed by Bilibili Gaming and Royal Never Give Up.

Victory Five, Weibo Gaming, LPL, Spring Split, esports, defeat, AD carry, ban pick, dragons, baron buff